Freedom Grams
“What got them in prison can now get them out” – Challenging cannabis injustice one gram at a time.

In the U.S., thousands of people are still in prison for something that has evolved into a legal billion-dollar industry. Now that cannabis is freely available, it is important to remember the people who continue to carry the weight of cannabis prohibition and criminalization from the yesteryears. For this, Serviceplan turned to the Moby Digg design team to create a Visual Identity and Website for the initiative “Freedom Grams”.
The challenge was to create a visual identity which illustrates the personal story of each prisoner and at the same time,being bold enough to stand out in a typical cannabis store. The website points out the general connections of this complex topic by merging historical facts with image material. Resulting in packaging which raises awareness for many individual cases.

Every Freedom Grams pack contains the exact amount of grams of cannabis that people are currently in prison forenhancing the importance of their unique stories. The colours remind us of the characteristic prisoner uniforms, combined with the dominant grey tones of the prison building itself. The website grid is based on the prison bars, also used on the packaging, which structure the displayed content.

The outcome is a cross-application branding with all proceeds going to the “Last Prisoners Project”. An organisation which fights for the release of cannabis prisoners and overall criminal justice reform. Freedom Grams connects consumers with the convicted to remind the privileged ones of those who paved the way.